Crio Winter of Doing Externship Experience

Shubhada Beldar
2 min readJan 27, 2021

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over!!

Practice makes Man Perfect!!!!

These are the sayings which we have come across many times in our life!!

And yes that’s very true and Crio Winter of Doing has proved this!!!

Crio Winter of Doing has focused on learning by doing so that we can learn concepts by implementing them instead of just reading or memorizing them.

Starting from basics of all the very important topics such as HTTP, Rest API to Cloud services such as AWS, from Open Source Community such as Git and GitHub to Operating System Linux, Crio Winter of Doing has explained all the concepts interactively and lucidly!!!

I got to know a lot many concepts such as :

  1. Understood how HTTP protocol works through a practical example.
  2. What is Rest API and how to make REST API Calls?
  3. File systems in Linux, how to manage files and directories, data analysis, and many more basic concepts of Linux
  4. How to create an AWS Account and EC2 instance and how to deploy and connect the app.
  5. How to contribute open-source and upload your project to Git, adding code, and handling merge conflicts in Git.
  6. Positioning in CSS, CSS Flexbox, How to group elements in HTML was fun to know.
  7. Writing loops such as if, for,do-while loop, and switch cases in JavaScript
  8. Understanding how to deploy your project, what is full-stack development

And the list is endless!!!!!

It kept me engaged because of its awesome activities. I loved the interactive Multiple Choice Questions and theory test format which checked my skills and cleared my doubts!!

I also got a chance to build my Web development skills by understanding the core concepts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

This externship was an amazing learning journey for me and I am excited for Stage 2 of Crio Winter of Doing!!!

I am grateful to the amazing team of Crio for arranging such an insightful and interactive externship free of cost for all of us!!!



Shubhada Beldar

I am a Software Engineer working in the domain of full stack web development .I love to share my thoughts, ideas and experiences with others through blogs!!!